Carbon footprint
Our lives cause CO2 and the CO2 emissions of products and companies are increasingly becoming the focus. So it makes sense to reduce these CO2 emissions.
But first you have to know how much CO2 you generate and where in the company. Anyone who has an energy management system or even just an energy monitoring system is well advised.
There is the CO2 footprint related to a company (CCF) or to a product (PCF) as well as 3 perspectives for the CO2 footprint.
Peak load and load management
Do you have peak loads in your company?
Do you know the cause?
Load peaks are extremely expensive and can be successfully reduced or completely avoided with peak load management.
With increasing e-mobility, your company will face another challenge.
The additional capacities required for charging the vehicles are often not available.
We develop the right solution for you.
Compressed air leak test
Compressed air is one of the most expensive energies we know.
In order to get 1 kWh of power on the consumer side, about 35 kWh must be applied by the producer. It is therefore important that compressed air systems are efficient where they cannot be done without.
Regular leak tests are also part of the efficiency of compressed air systems. Compressed air leaks quickly add up to large amounts that are lost, although often the remedy is just tightening a hose clamp.
A search for hearing makes sense, but not enough. When you hear it, it's too late.
We carry out the leak test with our measuring devices, monitor the elimination of the leaks and prepare a report.
Renting a system in contracting is a very good alternative to buying. In principle, there are no limits to contracting. There are different variants:
Creation of concepts
So that you don't stay left alone and at a loss.
We develop and create concepts for the efficient use of energy.
Energy management outsourcing
An energy management system is an issue for you in principle, but you do not want to build up any staff for it or you lack the appropriate staff?
No problem, you can outsource the function of the energy management officer.
We take over the tasks for you. Ok, it won't work without someone in charge in your company, but you don't need any additional staff.